viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010


I just found this very good recipe! Everyone who tried asked for the recipe. Enjoy it and share with others. The recipe calls for whole milk and sugar, I substituted for semidesnatado and sweetener to taste. For you to have an idea it should taste sweeter than you would like it to be. When cooked and served cold, it will seem to have less sweetener than when you were mixing it.

1 liter and 1/2 of milk (6 cups)
4 whole eggs
8 egg yolks
Sugar (start with 1 cup and add to your taste, or use Splenda as I did)
lemon peel
Cinnamon stick

Preheat the oven with a cake pan filled with water. Cook the milk with the peel of of one lemon and one cinnamon stick. Boil. Let it reduce a bit, for about 10 minutes on low heat. Let it cool completely. In a bowl, beat the eggs and egg yolk. Strain lemon peel and cinnamon stick from milk. Add the milk to the bowl. Add sugar to your taste. On the stove top, add 2 tablespoon of sugar on a small pan. Let it cook until it melts. Do not let it overcook as it can burn really easily. Use a bundt cake pan or special small pans for the flan. Put the caramel on the bottom of the pan or pans and then the flan mixture. Put the pan to bake placed in the bigger pan with water (baño maría). If the water is already hot it should take about 40-45 minutes and it will be ready. If not, bake it for a few more minutes. Let it cool and then unmold it.